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July 30th, 2002 - A reoccurring sickness.
July 26th, 2002 - Rememberance of today through odour.
July 25th, 2002 - Perhaps some things defy explaination?
July 23th, 2002 - A little rambling, not about much in particular.
July 21st, 2002 - Moments in between, sealed under cellophane and masking tape, in a jar, on the window ledge.
July 19th, 2002 - Sigh. So close to perfection.
July 16th, 2002 - Consequence.
July 16th, 2002 - A description of the symptoms.
July 14th, 2002 - If the necessary words could be conceived, I would apologize.
July 14th, 2002 - We would like to apologize for nothing in particular.
July 12th, 2002 - Where the fuck is this?
July 10th, 2002 - She is at it again.
July 10th, 2002 - Pure self indulgence. A desktop image for you from me.
July 8th, 2002 - "Excusez-moi, s'il vous plait," mumbles youth.
July 8th, 2002 - A list of nauseating things, and a short comparison between love and adoration.
July 8th, 2002 - Regardez-vous! C'est moi! The syncopated simpleton.
July 5th, 2002 - This exile will be the death of me.
July 3rd, 2002 - Sleep is indeed the enemy.
July 3rd, 2002 - Thoughts of a midnight walk home.
July 2nd, 2002 - A lack of tortured spirit breeds nonchalance and unliterary drivel.
July 1st, 2002 - A treatise on deceit; yes, this is about you.

March 2003
February 2003
Janurary 2003
December 2002
November 2002
August, September, and October 2002
July 2002
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002
March 2001 - March 2002

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