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July 30th, 2002 - 1:27 a.m.

A reoccurring sickness.

A few days of thoughtless bliss. Blink. Close eyes.

Blood. Shattered bone. Connective membranes. On pavement. The sounds of collision. Red skin matted with gravel and debris. Eyes still open, non communicative. Mouth slightly ajar, like the bedroom door through the window above, wide open, screen skilfully removed with an exacto knife. Open eyes.

Mouth parched. Flickering unevenness of a flame. Uncomfortable warmth. An internal fever. Emanating through the back, the backs of legs. Close eyes.

A dram of liquid, mixed with orange juice. Glides down the throat with ease. Eyes heavy. A chemical sleep. Never to wake. So peaceful. Open eyes. Blink. Close eyes.

A painful hollowness in the chest cavity. An end. A means to an end. An end to further means. Open eyes.

Buoyed, once again. A few simple words.


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