Running Commentary:
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Thanks to TagBoard

October 30th, 2002 - A statement, a pun, another statement, an English based mathematical chain, a state, and another chain.
October 27th, 2002 - A treatise on anger.
October 25th, 2002 - It has been some time now.
October 1st, 2002 - I no longer exist. Thanks.
September 22nd, 2002 - A recipe for a day that could have gone better.
September 17th, 2002 - Really not much to say at all. The tongue is frozen.
September 14th, 2002 - Ah. So it drags.
September 5th, 2002 - Today was not the greatest.
September 4th, 2002 - Inside and out.
September 2nd, 2002 - General neglect.
August 23rd, 2002 - Speak softly. Do not dare disturb.
August 20th, 2002 - Dread, and greeness.
August 18th, 2002 - A choke in the throat.
August 16th, 2002 - Messages to boys.
August 14th, 2002 - A message to my mother.
August 11th, 2002 - Once again, this is no real cause for complaint.
August 7th, 2002 - Excuse me Madame, but your _________ is showing. (Nothing naughty.)
August 5th, 2002 - A welcomed intrusion.

March 2003
February 2003
Janurary 2003
December 2002
November 2002
August, September, and October 2002
July 2002
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002
March 2001 - March 2002

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