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October 27th, 2002 - 10:56 p.m.

A treatise on anger.

Anger is the second most despicable of all human traits. Its unpredictable nature renders it neither the ability to create nor to soothe, its primary purpose being one of destruction, and mass demolition. An emotion based on destruction, cannot aid in the aspects most commonly known as humanity. Optimists would have one believe that humanity encourages trust, love, compassion, respect, and dignity. Anger destroys all of these with one swift word and gesticulation.

Trust is easily disassembled with any unpredictable circumstance; in particular in conjunction with an intense emotion with no desired outcome other then to inflict pain and maim the senses. Trust is a fundamental foundation of any relationship, be it romantic, personal, or business oriented in nature. Any infringement on trust can only lead to the disintegration of any basic understanding for the perpetrator, and cause any interaction to be approached with abject caution combined with an ingrained ideal of self preservation.

Love cannot be allowed to grow and be nurtured within anger, all love is stifled and suffocated to a slow death with such insidious negativity. Love is integral to all romantic and personal relations, as it fosters compassion and respect.

Compassion and respect are all in one, in my opinion. One must respect another individual in order to gain compassion; in any other case, the compassion would be false and more akin to charity and pity. An angry disposition disallows compassion to take hold, for it is a disposition that defies explanation, and cannot be approached with any sense of sorrow for the misfortunes dealt.

Dignity is entirely lost in the arena of anger for both the perpetrator, and the victim (though these lines are often hard to define within the mass demographic). For anger lacks both poise and respect of any sort, the defining characteristics of dignity.

Anger has no justifiable cause, and is juvenile and irrational in its attempts to grasp control of a situation. It is a heated emotion, and can only in the end cause others to be driven away by its inability to accomplish, and to ascertain distinctions between what is true, and what is believed to be true. It cannot self contain, nor is it a particularly aesthetically pleasing emotion.


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