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Thanks to TagBoard

January 28th, 2003 - Ack.
January 22nd, 2003 - Here we are. It has come uninvited again, underneath the door.
January 20th, 2003 - Most tiresome. Some, most tired. But then again, have never met a tired subraction.
January 20, 2003 - A most requested image, and current event.
January 18th, 2003 - Today's bordering.
January 16th, 2003 - The present presentation of perticular problems, pertaining to problematic puncutation. (Pun intended.)
January 13th, 2003 - Founding. (Not foundling, flounder, nor foundry.)
January 9th, 2003 - Here we go.
January 7th, 2003 - A sunset.
January 6th, 2003 - Unknown things, some of which would like to be discovered, but not all.
January 6th, 2003 - Statistics: 200, 128, 64%, and 86.4%.
January 2nd, 2003 - Sexy and enjoyable things.

March 2003
February 2003
Janurary 2003
December 2002
November 2002
August, September, and October 2002
July 2002
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002
March 2001 - March 2002

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