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July 12th, 2002 - 12:21 p.m.

Where the fuck is this?

Have been lost in my head for sometime now. There is quite a bit of indistinguishable matter to sift through. Where does one begin to find the beginning, or the end?

After all this time, it has been established that I may not be human. But then, it has been said that the lack of humanity is due to being much too human. This is a moot topic, and is sure to bore.

But then, the word of the day is monomania. And it is a fact that monomaniacity on the subject of self is prevalent, and thriving.

September may be the end of life in exile. Waiting. I abhor waiting. (Shakes right fist.) Ever had the feeling that tomorrow does not actually exist, and that today, being unexciting, and seemingly trivial, will be all that is capable of existing?



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