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March 18th, 2002 - 3:00 a.m.

this is called rambling.

it is a fact that i make no sense what so ever. i have never made sense, and it is the general belief of this writer that i never shall. regardez-vous! c'est moi! the most nonsensical human being in existance! sigh.

things are too funny for words.

sleepy, but cannot sleep due to this elbow of mine. still craving human companionship. the company at the party was most pleasent, but only served to deepen my depression. i perplex myself. and i believe that one day i shall find myself in a mental institution due to a worsening inability to focus on reality. and my paranoia will run rampant. and what is left of my sanity will flicker and die.

right. so, m. was right all along. i am melodramatic. damn it. damn you m. (shaking of left fist.) you have to stop judging my character. say some good things for once. but then again, you know that i do not need to hear good things. i just need to be informed of all my character blemishes. so, ignore the seventh sentence of this paragraph, and do carry on. not that you ever listen to me anyways.

i hope that all this melancholy does not make me indecorous. but then again, depending on the audience, i really could care less.

which only leads to the question: who is the audience? this makes me outragously curious. must find an easy way by which you, dear mysterious reader, may leave messages. hmm.


i have run out of things to say.


catching holden
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