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March 18th, 2002 - 10:18 p.m.


this has been a neutral day. spent a couple of hours sitting on the subway. riding from one end to the other. i have always wanted to do that. just sit on the subway and look at people.

i enjoy it most when the train goes outdoors. it reminds me of riding to the country as a small child in hong kong to sweep the graves of my grandmothers on the chinese festival of the dead. it was always so strange to see open space and grass. trees not encased in some type of cement structure. and the sparkly windmills dancing in the wind, sold by elderly street vendors. the sweet buddhist temple smell of incense. the pungent smell of roasted pork, left as an offering. the fading picture of a person i never met. the grave stone painted in loud red chinese calligraphy, words that i never read, but whose image remains permanently ingrained in my mind.

a. is being a pest. so i shall go now.


catching holden
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