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March 17th, 2002 - 12:21 a.m.

a most uneventful day.

a. woke me up all too early to saunter off to suburbia to spend his loot. was, of course, late for hell bound bus by all of two minutes and therefore had to sit in the bus terminal with the fast food stench for a whole hour. waiting is horrid.

so. in suburbia. feel even more out of place. a. is doing his silly walks, his running commentary on the 'idiots'. he is too funny. and wins the award for best eleven year old in the category of brothers.

bought stockings. bought camera. sorry, but i did not promise excitiment.

had sushi with aunt m. and co. have been eating much sushi as of late. or maybe just have been talking about it. not all too entertaining.

well. that is all. this day would have been better spent at home, staring at a blank wall.


catching holden
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