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June 1st, 2002 - 6:19 p.m.

A failed exploration of slang, and a good compliment.

Yo mofo. Wha da fuck you lookin� at, biatch? Don�t make me pull some Barney Rouble on your skank ho ass.

Yes, this is called not enough sleep, like a tent held up by worm chewed pieces of wood. Nicotine, caffeine and sugar, how I adore you. This is called a disgustingly warm early summer day. This is called a sudden and unexplained attraction to ghetto style slang, mixed in with some cockney rhyme. This entire entry was to be written in the above format, but I am afraid I am not too proficient in the dialect. Mofo just makes me giggle, like a petite enfante. I also do not gesticulate well in the manner that seems to accompany the above dialect. In fact, my facsimile of ghetto style slang is merely laughable, and is a frail farce.

Good compliments are so very rare. J. said, �Adoration for you is merely a fad.� Danke schon, dahling.


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