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May 25th, 2002 - 12:07 a.m.

A clothed list, needs, and flippancy

Ah, the art of the t-shirt slogan. It must be clever, but not too clever. It must entertain, but not too much. A delicate balance. But the majority of t-shirts out there merely have names of people or brands on them. So it is proposed that t-shirts ought to be at least 56% more clever.
Possible T-Shirt Slogans:
-I have everything.
-You never wanted this.
-I am you.
-You cannot take this away.
-Through the forests, they cannot see you.
-You are just as insignificant as I am.
-Tomorrow is even more scandalous.
-Subjectivity is the new objectivity.
-It is modern to quantify.
-I want to be background noise.
-I am here to be ignored.
-Your fears are irrelevant.

I need someone to love me intensely, if only for one day. And a black quilted leather Chanel purse, with a hideous gold chain strap. Oh, and I still need those black kid leather gloves, cashmere lined, size 6 1/2.

I may be in love again. And she is doing her best to not be flippant. Or so she says.


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