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March 14th, 2002 - 3:01 a.m.

this is utter silliness.


logic and instinct are fighting a duel. no one seems to be the victor at this point. (there are bloody sword wounds on either side.) they both boast quite well though, and the debate brews thicker. (thus conscience does make cowards of us all, and thus the native hue of resolution is sickled o're with the pale cast of thought.)

i am in the worst mood. and somehow manage to crave human companionship at this point. of course, there is none to be had.

but no. currently i take solace in the fact that one day i too will die. oy. more talk like this and i am sure that the audience will vomit.

consistantly cemented in thought. never do i merely act. and so, i bear the full responsibility of my actions at all times. i must, after all, answer to myself. thus far there does not exist one regret. and it is my intention to keep it so. regretless. lacking remorse. but alas, there is too much time to spend from here till then. and i wonder: will i regret that i remained cocooned in thought? or will i regret that my desires staged a coup d'etat? or will i regret nothing? the last outcome being the most desireable; i imagine that if one regret were to slip through, an avalanche would be ineluctable.


no, just bah.


catching holden
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