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March 1st, 2002 - 11:41 a.m.

wheeeee! and a list of nauseating things

wheeeeeeeeeeee! you march first. i refuse.

i have come to the conclusion, after several years of study, that i make an excellent house pet. can house pets find jobs? jobs that do not force the house pet to live in squalor? well, this house pet needs a job. and a flat. and a plane ticket. money. someone to care for the house pet while it changes from house pet to something that will fend for itself. this will not be easy. the soon to be ex-house pet is a tad sickish. and a tad is definately underdoing it.

wheeeeeeeeee! my play came true! did you read the play? you must read the play. if you have not read the play, go read the play now. it is hilarious when predictions come true.

in case you have not noticed, i have but one sound in my head. this one sound is of course: wheeeeeeee! and, if i were a child, i would gallop around the room and dance with my skirts twirling. followed by, of course, spurts of winding down and hitting reality. ouch. oy. and now...

nauseating things:
a peutrid smell
having to part with someone one loves (or has grown fond of)
canned soup
too much sugar
excessive amounts of sleep
boring people
sitting in aeroplanes for long stretches of time
the last fifteen minutes of waiting
cheap perfume
a conversation consisting of cliches and modern catch phrases
too much oily food
waiting to speak to a new love
a lack of food
extremely warm weather (and humidity)
when one's charm runs out
unsound advice delivered with sincerity


catching holden
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