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April 16th, 2003 - 1:33 p.m.

Reconstructing the feeling of first love.

1. Consume large sums of refined sugar, approximately one kilogram.

2. After allowing fingernails to grow for several months to a one centimetre length, cut them to the quick.

3. Remove all clothing, allow breeze to sift through window, capture that feeling.

4. Run at top speed for twenty to thirty minutes, as one would run from a hungry predator

5. Break your own heart.

6. Refuse all logic and sensibility.

7. Recapture the fear, as a child, of the moment of falling

8. Stop breathing.

Combine all the above, and one ought to re-enter the moment of first love.

To get back:

-take very cold shower of just below body temperature water, approximately 34 degrees Celsius

-understand the difference between prettiness and beauty


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