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March 21th, 2003 - 11:31 a.m.

Fancy, certainly, and blas� botheredness.

Humourous when strawberry leaves resemble a dense H. Rousseau foliage. A black jaguar winks hullo.

And the mind is engulfed in a duel between two great foes, though not knowing that each is part of each other. Like a cat, in frenzied fury with its tail.

To the hoi polloi: your absence makes the heart grow fonder of the distance kept.

Stay back, she is armed with 120 mm sticks filled with .6 mg of hydrogen cyanide. And if provoked, will shoot. The deadliest of glares.

Think what you will, self coordinated suppose, a comma attempting to disguise itself as an exclamation point at 4.25 by 5.5. Twisting in contorted abstraction of righteousness.

Never bothered to consider that general stupidity was capable of such yogic feats. But then, never thought a sheep would don a wolf's fur for the sake of fashionable company.


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