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February 9th, 2003 - 1:51 p.m.

A charted essay.

In the event of no one approving of the situation an individual of strong personality has chosen, there are one of two possible logical outcomes that could pertain.

1: The individual is actually wrong for some currently unknown reason, and shall be scalded for such inept wanderings into heated silliness.

2: As per standard, the individual shall rise triumphant from the nay sayers.

In event number one (1), it is common for the individual to be thus seen as a little more foolish, and much less strong. Those who said nay, are then cemented in their victory, and in the future will be more adamant in their application of commentary. The individual only has two paths from this point.

Alpha: Give into the general will of nay sayers and join the ranks of the hoi polloi.

Beta: Analyse and distil the negative factors of the past situation in order to correct mistakes in the future. In this case, the individual is not victorious, but has gained something much better than simple victory.

In event number two (2), our hero is in the right, but shall most likely not be paraded through the streets with tickertape and acrobatic animals, but instead be awarded by a shrug from the nay sayers. The individual thus, has two possible paths, yet again.

Delta: Our hero may look upon the world with tired jadedism, only to see such advice in the future as the work of jejuneacity. Which could very well lead to folly in the future, and general indignant stubbornness.

Epsilon: The individual recollects all the comments given by the nay sayers and finds the faults within the thesis/theses in order to understand the base of the disapproval. In the future, the individual is afforded the opportunity to be certain of which comments to dismiss as faulty, and which to consider with seriousness.


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