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December 14th, 2002 - 10:34 p.m.

This was written by a twelve year old prodigy of humour, my brother.

The annual spy meeting. A bunch of people sitting down around a table all in black trench coats.

"So what did you do?" asked one guy.

"I like pointy things!" replies the one man.

"Right, and how about you?"

"Who me? Oh, I spied on the Chinese government, and I am about to hand in my 17 year old record of Chinese activity"

A man dressed completely in red runs abruptly into the room, pulls out a knife and cuts away at his arm revealing a bomb, "FOR THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA," he yells, and blows everyone up.

This year was better then the last. Last year we had suicidal chickens.


p.s. I got too much spare time.

catching holden
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