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December 8th, 2002 - 7:28 a.m.

I am here. And there.

An acidic combination of hunger and cigarette, creates momentarily the entertainment of immortality. The starving off of hunger.

Insomnia paints the horizon with watered down burnt sienna fading into the bluish night dome.

A consequence free ride. Am in love with memories. All the beautiful moments. A smile. A swing and a boy when seventeen. The swirl of breeze against naked skin.

Melting ice cream making a stew of uneaten cones.

A balcony in January holding the once angelic blond ringleted girl who could have had everything that was mine.

Sleepy wanderings in a spring park, the exhaust(ion) of the city not yet begun. Moments in which the floor of the subway flowed with the logic of prose, and the ease of poetry.

Exaltation, affords alleviation.

It is not so far from here.


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