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November 30th, 2002 - 3:18 a.m.

Outrageously crude innuendo pertaining to the ol' in and out.

Do read this with tongue in cheek. Or tongue in something. Ahem.

Directed towards a male:
-So, you stuck your spoon in her soup, then?

-Spreading your jelly on her toast.

-Forked her peach.

-Eating her tart.

-Sharing your bones.

-Such a snake in the grass. (Grass being an old English term for non-marital sex, if a girl got pregnant without marriage, she was known as being "wedded on the grass".)

-A bird in the hand is not as fun as two in the bush.


Directed towards a female, though some could pertain to a male of both persuasions, or the homogenous sort:
-Taking the fish down the gulliver, luv?

-Riding the ol' log.

-Adding his fish to your basket.

-Had a hard time keeping the cherries canned.

-He must be the needle of your brown eye.

-Stuffing the sausage into the bag.


A twist on the usual 'bun in the oven' (mostly from C.):
-Waffle in the waffle iron.

-Live one in the basket.


I did say outrageous. And crude. Consider yourself adequately aforewarned.


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