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Thanks to TagBoard

November 7th, 2002 - 11:51 p.m.

Insulting phrases, and confusion.

"You are a torn out page, of a best selling book"

Intellectual altitude is once again below sea level.

The lateral fissure must be disconnected today.

Politics are not your forte, are they? (Idiot. Hoot.)

Process must be a daily occurrence in your choice of menu.

You must be happy your clothing speaks so little for you that it has gone a shade of mute.

Poor dear, that stain on your logic must be quite hard to remove.

That is quite pithy. Too bad it had to be severed.

You are quite good at displaying fervour for your tribe.

It must be nice to be able to find kin amongst amoeba.


Well, at any rate, I am entertained. Ever had a dream, that you are sleeping, and desperately need to wake up. Confusing as whispers of forever.


catching holden
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