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June 13th, 2002 - 11:44 a.m.

A short description of Time.

Time is such an odd creature. It comes and goes as it pleases, with no regard to humanity.

It drags and etches into youthful faces.

It races past and absconds with well being. It carves chasms and valleys between lovers and families.

It disappears into the horizon, before one has had the chance to master the day.

It stupefies with boredom.

It makes one late for important rendezvous. Makes one fret; has the ability to install doubt.

It creates thought and circumstance. Loitering about; lingers in memory.

It allows for the aged to brag. And the ancients to be forgotten.

The seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, slip past the fingertips, as grains of sand. Times I want to fastforward. Times I want to pause and stretch out with a loom, weave it into a blanket to bring comfort on cold lonely days. Times I almost want to forget. Times I wonder when my immortality will come to an abrupt end.


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