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May 15th, 2002 - 10:30 p.m.

Magistrate? The colour of this room is horrid.

Summoned before the grand magistrate. Only to be ignored. Waiting; boredom and ugliness piling in the corners. Soon, we shall need shovels just to get to the door.

Then, after the room has been emptied of all its unsavoury contents, she is handed a large pile of papers; shooed out without ceremony. Much ado about nothing.

�Your Honour, the Madam Duty Council is really hot.�

Japanese paper to force some beauty into the afternoon. Cherry blossoms, umbrellas, chrysanthemums, bamboo, cranes, and abstract Japonesque shapes. (Japonesque is officially the word of the day.)

Everyone�s heart seems to be bleeding profusely for me. All watery eyes and stunned silence. Honestly now, she has made it this far. No wait, just the entourage. Never you mind.

T., can you pass the coffee? I am a little tied up with something at the moment...


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