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April 12th, 2002. - 11:05 p.m.

Two subway women, porn, tonight, and a warning

A woman on the subway, English style beige raincoat. A large bouquet of flowers; an orgasm of colour. Not very attractive, luke warm blue eyes a little too close together for comfort, nothing remarkable, though middle class well groomed. Was only pretty because she seemed picturesque carrying the bouquet. Entertainingly embarrassed to have so much attention drawn to her. A blaring trumpet, touting the arrival of spring.

A most gorgeous girl as I was leaving the subway. Only so in the spring time. Dusty rose lips, thicker on bottom then on top in a most attractive manner. Olive skin. A most beautiful set of eyes. Needs to be better dressed. Sigh. There are people I would like to take by the hand, invite them to a new set of clothing. For the sake of aesthetic, I shall say, you must come with me.

An ex-art student�s pornography:
-Eugene Delacroix�s �Odalisque� (1845-1850)
-Antonio del Pallaiuolo�s �Hercules and Antaeus� (c. 1475)
-Andrea Mantegna�s �St. Sebastian" (c. 1455-1460)
-Correggio�s �Jupiter and Io� (c. 1532)
-Heironymus Bosch�s �The Garden of Delights� (c. 1510-1515)
-Edgar Degas�s �The Tub� (1886)
-Almost anything by Gustav Klimt
-Pablo Picasso�s little known, but very, very erotic works
-Marcel Duchamp�s �Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2� (1912)
-Max Ernst�s �Attirement of the Bride (La Toilette de la mari�e)� (1940)
-Gustave Courbet�s �The Origin of the World� (1866)... Whew!

Fell into a most pathetically awful mood tonight. Am semi-cured now. No longer feel as if am about to jab an ice pick into the eye.

Never listen to people speak of their bodily functions for long periods of time. After a few minutes, the novelty wears off, and you realize they are not being crude for the sake of humour. And then, a walk home alone in the rain no longer seems as pleasing.


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