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April 5th, 2001 -

Odd man, S., crankiness, hat, strangers.

man on subway with a cane. bug-eyed glasses. sat across from me for 13 stops while a. slept on my shoulder. talking to himself. stopping momentarily to pick his nose. looks at his fingers. licks fingers. continues talking to self. scratches scalp. looks at fingers. licks fingers. continues talking to self. scratches neck. looks at fingers. licks fingers. repeat. did not know what to do. mo one noticed but me. everyone engrossed in newspapers or whatever novel of the week.

s. made weird faces at me on the tram.

a. was excessively cranky this morning. irritatingly so. would not put on his shoes. would not tie his shoes. was fine after arrival on subway. was not late for school due to gas leak.

wore new spring hat. the white one with white flowers.

i love strangers. they are fascinating. and repulsive all at once.


catching holden
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