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March 22nd, 2001. -

An unwanted conversation.

8:45 am
me: Hello?
dad: Yeah, N.?
me: Yeah?
dad: It's dad...
me: um hm?
dad: Where are you? Are you with A.?
me: No, I am walking to the subway.
dad: What? Where is A.?
me: He is at school.
dad: OH! Okay. Um... Was he okay this morning?
me: Uh... (split second thought not to tell him A. did not want to wake up again and was mildly cranky on the subway) Yeah, he was fine.
dad: Oh okay... just wanted to check up, you know?
me: Yeah. (this should have been the end of the phone call, but wait! nothing has been complained about yet...)
dad: Uh, have you eaten anything yet?
me: No.
dad: Well eat something soon! You should be eating you know?
me: um hm.
dad: Eat something as soon as you get home!
me: Okay.
dad: Well okay, I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay. Take care of yourself... (dress warmly, eat, etc.)
me: um hm.
dad: Well, bye.
me: Bye. beep from cell phone as I hang up the phone. slight shake of the head.


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